Elijah Chambers

"I don't want to put the world to rights; I just don't like people who put the world to wrongs."

General Information

  • Fandomless OC (primarily interacts with mcu)

  • Face claim: Henry Cavill

  • Pronouns: he/him

  • Age: 28-35

  • Birthday: April 11th

  • Height: 6'5

  • Nationality: German

  • Orientation: straight and ace

Personal Information

Other Information

  • Multiship, multiverse, OC, and AU friendly

  • Favorite shipping dynamics are enemies to __, battle of wits or literally any kind of enemies, partners in crime, rogue military man x cop, and platonic soulmates (but open to anything ofc!)

  • Romantic ship: character must be 25+ and admin 16+

  • No NSFW

  • Older brother to Eden Chambers

Admin Information

  • Ace | he/any | 21 | aroace

  • Okay with pet names and almost all masc and femme gendered language. If in doubt, lean masc!

  • Here for plot! If you are looking for someone to make an excessively complicated plot with, I'm your man.

  • I like a wide variety of things and am comfortable with anything as long as we talk about it beforehand.

  • Please establish relevant boundaries during plotting before we start writing the scene, especially if we are doing a plot with fight scenes. I do not want to accidentally write something that makes you uncomfortable!

  • If character/admin say or do anything to make you feel uncomfortable, please DM me immediately. Do not be a coward and write it in the NGLs.

DNI if...

  • ___phobic, ___ist, general dni criteria

  • Use or interact with fonts

  • NSFW or lewd accounts

  • Roleplay children, s/a, animal cruelty, or parental abuse

  • Admin under 16 or does not disclose age range

  • Proship, thorki, starker, sylkie, or any other unethical/inappropriate ships (you know who you are)


Elijah was born in a small town in Germany where he grew up as a farm hand for his parents. The majority of his days were spent working, and he was given little downtime. In the little time he had to himself, generally at the expense of his sleep, Elijah studied and began working with machinery. His interest began at a young age, and by the time he was 7, he had built his first engine, which was implemented into the family tractor and resulted in a substantial reduction in fuel consumption. By age 9, he had successfully built a fully automated, solar powered machine that could harvest and replant a whole field of crops within a few hours. His mother often begged him to take a rest and enjoy a normal childhood, but his father encouraged his studies and showed no signs of concern for his exhausted child.About a week before Elijah's 10th birthday, his mother passed away giving birth to his only younger sibling, Eden. Unable to bear the memories, his father insisted they move to the US for a fresh start. The family was not the sentimental type, and Elijah's mother was rarely brought up after her passing. At first, Elijah had trouble continuing his work as he felt there was no longer a point in working if his mother was not there to see it. However, this was quickly resolved by Elijah's father insisting she would have wanted him to use her passing as fuel to work even harder. That conversation left a heavy footprint on Elijah's heart, and to this day he cannot relax without feeling like he's letting someone down.The family moved to Wisconsin, and Elijah enrolled in a local public school. Upon application, the school was in awe of his intellect and insisted he join the expedited learning program. The difference between Elijah and his peers was quickly made clear, resulting in alienation from the local children. Lonely and desperate to keep his mind occupied, he began studying anything he could get his hands on. He studied everything from languages to art and architecture to mathematical theories. Eventually, he discovered martial arts and began training under the moon light every night he couldn't sleep. There was a time the neighbors found out and began mocking him, but it only lasted until one of them came home with a black eye and broken arm, claiming to have fallen out of a tree. Elijah graduated a month after his 15th birthday.He then attended M.I.T. where he double majored in mechanical engineering and computer science. In order to pay for schooling, he enrolled in the ROTC army program. He quickly became known as the "human sasquatch" because of his large frame and incomparable strength. At 18, he graduated with summa cum laude and enlisted in the army.

Description and Appearance

Elijah (Eli) Sebastian Chambers stands at a towering 6'5 and is known around his military unit as the "human sasquatch." He has a wide and muscular frame, dark curly hair, and piercing blue eyes. Among men without superhuman abilities, his strength remains unmatched. This, combined with an intellect capable of challenging even Tony Stark, makes him a monster on the battlefield.Despite his intimidating structure, he's an academic at heart who sees an artistic beauty in learning and inventing. He loves studying and building new things but gets chronically bored and frustrated when there isn't a project to work on. His communication style is very direct and honest, but never malicious. Often preferring to work alone, he has few friends outside his former military unit. He is very protective over those close to him, and while violence is never first choice, he does not hesitate after determining it's the only solution. Once someone is deemed a threat in his mind, it's only a matter of time until he finds them.

Relevant Backstory

Post graduation from MIT, Elijah joined the military at age 18 where he worked his way up to becoming an army detective and leader of the special investigations unit. This elite group of 11 soldiers was tasked with operations deemed "too dangerous" for general troops. It was created for a suicide mission, but ended up being one of the force’s most useful assets. After about 5 years working together, the group was disbanded due to the undertaking of an unsupervised mission to free a unit of soldiers from captivity. This mission resulted in a number of the task force getting seriously injured, including Elijah, but was ultimately successful. He received a purple heart for his sacrifice but was forced to retire after a total of 10 years of service. There was no mention of the successful mission in his report, and the credit was given to the commanding officer above him, despite his having denied approval for the mission.Forced into retirement, he began manufacturing personalized weapons and robotics, branded as Chamber Tech. These devices were sold privately and exclusively to members of his prior task force. Eventually, word got out about the impressive technology, and he was approached by Stark Industries to join their engineering team. He considered, but eventually declined due to a fear of being "suffocated" and forced to work on a project he found boring.Recently, he embarked on Project Frankenstein where he's been developing the technology to create an AI based robotic humanoid. The AI learning system is nearly complete, but there is substantial work to be done on the android's physical form. He named the prototype Atlas, and intends to use the final form as his lab assistant and security system.


  • He learned to accept reality as it is in the military. Death is no different and he has no trouble accepting the simple fact of it. However, he has a strong conviction against bullies. Should he hear the untimely death of a good person was by the hand of another, his life becomes momentarily devoted to delivering justice. Regardless of his personal level of involvement, Elijah refuses to rest until he believes the wrongs have been made right. Or in other words, anyone responsible, directly or indirectly, has been put in the ground.

  • "So here's the thing. Either you take your hand off my chest, or I'll take it off your wrist."

  • "You burn me; you better prepare for the hellfire I'll bring down on you."

  • He has a hard time internalizing appearance-based compliments and prefers ones based on personality or achievement.

  • The only physical affection he's ever received was from his mother, all before the age of ten.

  • Finds most people bland and uninteresting, but will lay himself on the line to protect those he cares about


  • His strength is equivalent to that of three men; he is capable of taking down an impressive number of enemies on his own

  • Able build almost anything he can imagine

  • Can quickly adapt to unexpected circumstances and modify plans on the spot

  • Knows 5+ languages

  • Proficient with a wide range of weapons


  • His large and bulky frame makes it harder for him to blend in for stealth missions

  • Relatively speaking, he’s not a fast runner

  • Strong sense of justice that extends beyond the law and often gets him in trouble

  • Workaholic that can’t cope with downtime or boredom

  • Soft spot for younger brother